Thread portable class

Gate portable class

Timer class

Pool class

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C++ for professionals

(Selected chapters)

By Yuri Putivsky






          Probably a respectable reader would ask herself: “Why has another book been published dedicated to the programming language, well known only for a few, whereas the majority of software developers are predicting that the language will be dead in the near future and forgotten forever?”

          What is modern software development? Is this routine procedure – a conveyer that everybody could work on after a few months of community college courses and where there are no irreplaceable people? Or is it a profession that requires the state-of-art creative thinking and permanent learning every day, where the same amount of creativity is required of the programmer as of a bestseller writer or a movie star? May be it is the combination of both and each person chooses the proportions according to his ability and taste?

          This book has been written for readers who are very familiar with the C++ programming language and who plan to develop new programs in the future. Therefore, you will not find in this book the basic C++ introduction with comprehensive examples. The author assumes the reader is almost fluent in C++ and can read the code examples as well as she reads a text written in her native language.

The C++ programming language syntax is very compact. However, the list of problems that can be solved using C++ is almost infinite. Of course, the author knows that many problems can be solved more quickly when other programming languages are exploited. This is why in this book we will try to pay attention to the areas where C++ demonstrates obvious advantages.

About analogies


          The usage of analogies is very useful and is a wide spread method for explaining different ideas and aspects of human knowledge. The author suspects (he does not even pretend to be an expert in human brains) that our brain is a storage of all types of information, with an enormous number of connections between these information pieces on the neurons’ level. Those connections are actually what creates new knowledge. The knowledge that some entity is “similar” to another entity is a pure example of analogy. Software development is an area of human activity where usage of analogies could be invaluable.

          All in all we are trying to build the analogy for specific tasks chosen for C++ development. Moreover, when we are solving abstract mathematic, physics, or business problems we can always find something similar in our real world experience. Even when teaching students it’s extremely useful to come up with the analogies that the students are more or less familiar with and they can easily imagine the process almost immediately.


Multi-platform code


          The programming language C++ itself (we won’t discuss the exceptions from the standard here, each compiler has them) does not depend on the operating system or the CPU that we will be using. The possibility to include the Assembler code directly into C++ code is also out of our scope. Many non-trivial programs use the dynamic memory allocation, synchronization objects for threads and processes, sockets connections, etc. Regardless of the attempts of many operation developers to keep the standard at least on the “C” API level there are some non-portable API/libraries. It might looks like a real challenge to develop a program that could be easily compiled on multiple operation system and compilers (which is in practice an even a bigger challenge). However, one of the powerful features of the C++ language, encapsulation, would help us a lot. We will deal with such classes/concepts like “thread”, “memory allocator”, “database connection”, etc. For each operation system internal implementation could be different and hidden inside the code but from the outside those classes will look identical.


Programming styles


          “Tastes differ”. This is very true about programming styles. Some like to use the combination of capital and lowercase letters for variable names, others use the underscore symbol as a separator. Some people like the tab offset format for the code, others insist on 2-3 whitespaces only. The author belongs to the group of developers who think that using “Hungarian notation” or any other particular “standard” is not so important. The most important thing is the readability of your code.

1) The variable name should be self-explained on one hand, and on the other hand should not exceed the reasonable length.

The formatting should present the code in the easy readable form. For instance, the author has seen formatting like this:


if  ( obj -> properties . ident != input . ptr -> count )


The golden rule of the code formatting is to show your code to somebody else or take a look at your own code after 6 moths. If you are not able to easily understand what you wrote 6 moths ago, change your style immediately.

          One of the most important attributes of the programming code is the existence of comprehensive comments. Actually, the comments inside the code are the part of the documentation process, sometimes the only available part. It would be very useful to describe the public members and methods in much detail because other developers will likely use it. Even here there should be some reasonable amount of comments. When the number of comment lines exceeds the number of lines of code itself, it is hard to read, understand, and maintain such an interface.


Memory management


          It would not look like a metaphor if I said that the optimal custom memory management is the corner stone for high-performance multithread software development. In practice, it is almost impossible to develop a memory heap with the efficient memory allocation/de-allocation algorithm on a process level without blocking multiple threads with extensive memory allocation requests of different sizes. What would be the acceptable solution in many cases? Let’s split the problem into two parts. The first is the extremely fast allocation of the small blocks of memory, and the second is independent access to the memory repository from different threads. Each thread works with independent memory space. One of the obvious solutions to this problem is a special class allocator. Any instance of allocator class will be used at one thread exclusively and multithreaded synchronization is not required. The allocator will go to the system heap very rarely and will grab a significant chunk of memory to chop it into smaller pieces on demand. Let’s start with the example of very simple allocator. Such an allocator can not reuse or deallocate the small chunks of memory but it can reuse or deallocate all memory – “all or nothing” could be written on its banner.

The main challenge in reusing previously used blocks is the different sizes of such chunks. What if we knew in advance that the size of requested chunks will be fixed and only one chunk will be requested at a time? Then we could build a more sophisticated allocator. Let’s do it.

Let’s do it.

As the reader will notice, we have the template class, which is able to allocate and reuse memory chunks with a fixed size.


Before we go further with different and more sophisticated allocator classes, let’s discuss standard template library (STL) high-performance issues. The classic implementation is the most generic one, but when you need the best performance you can achieve the more specific solution would be the best one. Just as an example consider the following design of template class “list”. What if we need to create a temporary list of a million pretty simple elements – integer types? The classical implementation, even with the custom external allocator, will call destructor a million times. It would be a waste of time if we knew that all the memory required to place the million elements were taken from the allocator. All we need to do in order to reuse the memory is just call the reset method of the allocator.

Let’s try to design the list class in such a way that we will benefit from custom memory management.

Let’s do it.


The TYPENAME macro in most cases expands into typemane, but for some old compilers like Microsoft VC6 it won’t work. The macro expands to nothing. The major difference from the classical STL implementation is the absence of static members that are allocated dynamically, and as a result create problems with reusing object instances together with the allocator memory reset.

For instance, some STL implementations do not destroy dynamically allocated static members even after the allocation has happened on the external allocator. As a result we can not reset and reuse memory without corrupting those static members. The second advantage is the size of the empty container. It’s only 8 bytes (here and further in the text we are assuming we have a 4 byte default struct alignment) regardless of the type of the stored items. Also, you can't find the methods which require the memory allocation or deallocation like push_back, insert, etc. This is because we do not have a memory model yet. It will be introduce in the inherited classes. At the same time all iterators functionality is there because the internal structure of the further list container is clear.


Some static and even constant casting is required. It makes the code look a little bit ugly, but it is a price we pay for the performance and compactness we fight for.

The next logical step would be to build the fully functional “list” class with the memory management. But which type of memory management will be the best one? The correct answer is “it depends”. It depends who will be responsible for the life time of created nodes and items. Let’s take two radically different cases: first delegate memory allocation to outside the class interface completely, the second one, in contrast, encapsulates the memory allocation, hiding it inside the class implementation. Let’s take a look at the first one.


Let’s do it.


The second approach when the memory allocation policy is deeply encapsulated leads us to a different “list” implementation.



We will use the same node allocator as for the _list class, only we will keep it inside the class. Also, we will keep the length of the container. The previous _list class does not have internal item counter. This is a classical trade off between a performance and compactness. The _list and list classes make different choices.

The same exact approach can be used for other STL containers like stack, map, bitset, etc. Whenever a developer needs a container to perform the particular small task she can use the above classes and external allocators. When the container is not needed anymore, simply clear it and reset the allocator.

Stack class.

Map class.

Vector class.


Multithreaded environment


As many of you know the objects of multithreaded synchronization are platform dependent ones, as well as thread API.


 Before we continue discussing allocators, we will have to leave this interesting topic and look at examples of multithread programs. As we already know, threads, objects of synchronization, are platform dependent objects, which we want to incapsulate into the non-platform dependent C++ interface. To do this, we will have to begin at the end and define these interfaces.

Event is an object that lets us wait for a signal in one thread, while the signal is being initiated in another thread.

Event class.

Some objects of synchronization can be used in between threads in one process and between threads in multiple processes. However, we will not look at "global" interprocess objects of synchronization here.

As the attentive reader might have noticed, the difference between a semaphore and a mutex is the amount of threads simultaneously obtaining the resource and the ability to wait for the availability of the resource a finite amount of time.

Semaphore class.

Mutex class.




Let’s think about what type of class "thread" we would like to create, using analogies from real life.

1. The opening and closing of a thread is a very costly action. This is why we would like to use already open threads multiple times. For instance, when you rent a TV, you don't think that since the TV that you are given is new it will be destroyed after you return it.

2. The methods start and stop are necessary to open and close a thread. We don't know exactly what the thread is going to have to do ahead of time, and that is why we need to be able to assign and cancel the threads job: "assign_job", "cancel_job".    But how will the thread know which job it will have to perform? The solution to this is problem is using the standard interface of the class, which will act as the "employer" of our thread.

Job empoyer class.

We can make the thread "ask" the employer if there is any work available that needs to be done, and, if such work is available, will immediately begin performing the job. We can also make the thread do this multiple times.

What if the employer has no work for the thread at the time the thread "asks"? The thread will need to "sleep" until there is a job, at which time the employer will send a message /event to the thread and it will wake up.

To make the thread even smarter, we can give it jobs telling it to sleep for a certain period of time, and when the thread automatically wakes up it will once again go to our employer and "ask" for a job. In this case, if the job is not time dependant and does not need to be started right away, the employer does not need to wake the thread up, but can just wait until the thread wakes up and asks for a job. The thread will wake up after a specified amount of time by itself.

The reader has probably noted that we spend a lot of time discussing a subject and not writing the code. As an excuse, I want to remind the reader that the code is only a formal description of the processes that we want to program, and the more we understand the processes, finding real life analogies, the better the code will be.

As a matter of fact, one "employer" can hire multiple threads that will perform the same or different jobs. Let’s widen our scope and use some analogies. In real life, if an employer cannot predict how many threads/workers she will need, then one of the more effective methods for the usage of resources would be the manager of the threads. The employer could then "hire" a thread for an unlimited period of time, use that thread, and then after completing all the jobs the thread would return to the manager automatically. But how would we automate the return process? What if we return the thread to the manager as soon as the employer has no jobs for the thread? But what if this job will appear a second after the thread has been returned? In this case, we will spend a lot of time to get the thread from the manager and to return the thread back to the manager, maybe even every second. But what if the thread, when there is no job available, will fall asleep for a bit (the period of time will be dictated by the employer) and, if after the nap the employer still has no job for the thread, the thread will return to the manger automatically.

The manger of the threads needs to not only be able to open new threads when all the already open ones have been taken, and not only to take back used threads, but to also be able to close threads when they are not used for some time to conserve resources.

Threadpool class.

Together, we have created a somewhat universal and a somewhat "smart" manger of threads, that can perform any tasks given to it by the employers. But where will we use this manager? Well, the answer to this question is "almost everywhere, where we will need multiple threads for the high performance of a program".

Memory management 2


Let’s return to memory management for a while. We covered this topic in some previous chapters. What if we take the idea of a manager of threads and apply it to a memory allocator? This will create a manger that is able to give out memory allocators and will be able to do this in a multithread environment. For this we will need synchronization objects, at which we looked at in the previous chapter. Moreover, what if we turn on our imagination and use the method of generalizations, the best friend of our analogies. The idea of renting high cost items has won over the minds of the inhabitants of this planet. Right now you can rent anything from a normal TV to a space shuttle. Then why would we imagine something that has already been imagined for us, if we can just find a new use for an old idea?

Let us imagine that we are the creators of a renting bureau that will rent anything that is needed by programmers.

Resource pool – Universal renting bureau.

We will use “templates” to turn our idea into reality. All we will need is some basic functions that are necessary to create, destroy, activate, and deactivate an object. The splitting of functionality into two separate functions of creation and activation will add more flexibility to the resources.

In this chapter we will try to create a multiplatform and multithread “socket pool”. We will try to use everything that we covered in the previous chapters. Such an approach to programming, when a code that has been created is used more than once, is very productive. First of all, we don’t waste time on the development of basic blocks such as allocators, threads, etc. Second of all, the code of these basic blocks will be automatically tested in different environments, which will enable the programmer to find errors while still testing the code.

What does the term “socket pool” mean to us? It should be a multiplatform multithread class that will enable us to use an asynchronous interface with a number of socket commands: create, listen, connect, send, recv, close.

A reader that has experience with working with sockets will notice that we left out accept. No, we didn’t completely forget about it. We will try to delegate this function to “socket pool”, because the command listen implies that we want to receive incoming connections. At any given time we will be able to call the method close for any socket handle to turn on the thing that was initiated by the command listen. Also, we will need the method create to create a socket. You might ask yourself, what type of sockets will we be able to create? Let’s limit ourselves to TCP sockets, even though this is not essential. Since all of the commands imply asynchronous completion, we will need callbacks to inform the user of the completion of the asynchronous action, or of an error. We will need these callback methods, which are convenient to implement as the abstract class.

Socket pool


How will the “socket pool” work?

One of the threads will initiate asynchronous actions and will need to exist while the “socket pool” exists. For example, if we close this thread in Windows, all asynchronous operations will automatically be cancelled.

The second thread will only be needed to await the completion of the asynchronous operations. This thread will not be able to invoke user callbacks, because this can take a significant and uncontrolled amount of time. This is why the second thread will take the information about the completion of the asynchronous completion and place it in the queue of outgoing events, and other threads will call the user callbacks.

The maximum number of threads that process the queue of outgoing events will be set by the user, by utilizing the socket pool. We would also like to give the user control over the timeout functionality. That is, if the “socket pool” cannot complete the asynchronous action in the set amount of time, which will be set by the user, the socket pool will need to invoke the callback for an error, and, if possible, cancel the asynchronous action.

To control the timeout of the asynchronous actions we will need another thread, which will be taken from the manager of threads when it is needed. Working threads that process already completed asynchronous actions can also be returned to the manager of threads when they are not used for a time.

When building multithread applications like the socket pool, we are forced to ask ourselves “uncomfortable” questions. For instance, what will happen if the user calls the method close when we have already initiated the synchronous action? We need to be ready for any action of the user, no matter how absurd they look at first, are possible if the public interface lets her do it. The code which we are developing right now will need to answer these “uncomfortable” questions definitely, if we are to develop a “protected” code.

The STL library, de jure and de facto, is part of the standard C++ language. Will we be able to use the STL library in highly efficient applications? First of all, we need o be careful when choosing different implementations of the STL library. The very fact that the library has more than one implementation tells us that it is very hard to develop a library that would be optimal in all cases. That is why we are going to write a couple of STL containers that will be different from already existing ones and that will satisfy the standard. We will need to do this to be able to implement these containers in our programs.

Let’s imagine that we need to create the container from a million little pieces that are organized in a list, perform operations while looking through the list, and then destroy that list. Most of the implementations of the STL container lists will call the destructor a million times for the elements of the container and this will take a significant and sometimes critical amount of time. What if all of the elements for the container were created using external memory that was allocated by an allocator and all we are responsible for is to make sure that if more memory is needed for an element of the container that this is also allocated on an external allocator? In this case calling the destructor is not necessary. All we need to do is clear the container, which one command, and to reset the allocator, which is another command, and we are ready to reuse the container and the allocator. In this case, we use only two commands, but if we used the classical STL implementation, we would have had to call the destructor a million times which equals a million commands.

Let’s look at the allocation of memory more carefully. Every time we allocate memory of the same size. It would be great if our allocator could reuse freed blocks of memory multiple times. We have finally come to the idea of an extended version of the basic allocator, which is able not only to allocate blocks of memory of different sizes and to free the memory using the principle “all or nothing”. The block allocator is able to allocate blocks of memory of a certain size, and, more importantly, to free these blocks of memory and reuse them.

Great! We now have a new type, block allocator, which we will use in places where the allocation/freeing of memory blocks of a certain length is needed, such as in STL containers list<>, stack<>, and map<>.

We will probably want to have similar containers with simpler interfaces, and, more importantly, which are supposed to call destructors for the elements of the container and release memory to the block allocator. We could combine an affective allocator with a more complete functionality of STL containers.

To be published...


Memory Heap.


Let us, dear reader, try something more complex than STL container. Of course, the author does not think that the memory heap can be looked at as something more complex than the already described technology of the block allocator. Let’s imagine, that we can sacrifice memory in order to make the allocation more effective, and make the blocks a bit bigger than we need them to be. For instance, if the user is requesting blocks of memory 1-16 bytes, we will allocate a block of 16 bytes; if the user is requesting a block 17-32 bytes, we will allocate a block of 32 bytes, and so on and so forth. Then we will be able to develop a memory heap that would combine the allocation and deallocation of blocks of different sizes.


Where would this type of memory heap be more effective? For instance, it would be more effective during the allocation and deallocation of memory for lines of different lengths.

Asynchronous IO gate as the next layer above the socket pool.

Asynchronous IO gate

For the developed socket pool to be fully functional, it is necessary to allocate memory for the incoming messages and to save the already allocated memory until the asynchronous operation “send” completes. IN this chapter, we will describe a code that will greatly ease the process of working with the socket pool, which will demonstrate the power of the C++ language As we do not know what length the buffer for outgoing bytes through socket connections, we can break all the messages into blocks of a fixed size (or less), for instance, 64Kb. The fact that we are breaking outgoing messages into multiple blocks does not contradict the logic of sending messages through sockets, as on a more basic level the messages are broken into smaller packets anyways.

Can we apply the same logic to incoming messages? If we knew the size of the incoming message ahead of time, it would be possible. However, theoretically, the incoming message can be a stream of bytes, which is impossible to break into separate messages. This is why the answer to this question is no, we cannot treat incoming messages as a complete package. That is why we will just use a buffer with a fixed size.

The above code lets us initiate asynchronous send commands from any thread and stargate guarantees the sending of messages in the same order that they were initiated in. The processing of the incoming messages within one socket connection will be done by only one thread. If this does not happen, the following could happen. One socket connection thread (1) calls callback, and another thread for the next incoming message calls callback for the same message. Depending on the current CPU usage, the latter incoming message might be processed first.

That is why we will take the job of synchronizing threads for the processing of incoming messages upon ourselves and ensure that the threads are synchronized.


Many of our respectful readers have already seen in their work the necessity for the development of programs that communicate with databases. Even though developers of database servers offer portable solutions for client libraries, most of the time they are C libraries with a number of API functions. The development of STL programs that use API is not one of the most enjoyable tasks. Moreover, the transition from one database server to another, such as MySQL, Oracle, and MSSQL will require changes to the already developed modules. Of course, we can just use ODBC API for access to all databases. The drawbacks of this method are that it does not support multiplatform full functionality and the C style of ODBC API.

The idea of having one universal C++ interface, that is maximally independent from any one database server, is very attractive. One of the important parts of the interface is the ability to perform SQL requests asynchronously.

ODBC DB access

ORACLE DB access

MYSQL DB access

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